The Youth PB Accelerator, in collaboration with the University of Granada, took part through Medialab UGR in the 10th edition of the European Researcher’s Night, which took place on September 24. While still hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, face to face attendance were partially recovered, combined with online activities.

The event emphasised the researcher’s role in society, tackled clichés with meetings in which researchers shared with visitants their hobbies and work, so society would know, for instance, José Guerrero’s work and how to paint like the artist, enjoyed flamenco music live in the Victoria’s Carmen or how to set up a safe password to avoid cyberattacks.

This year we carried out a face to face activity directly related with this year’s theme, the European Green Deal, Europe’s roadmap to boost a sustainable economy. The activity, called “Habla pueblo habla”, consisted of a participatory budget in order to educate the youth in democratic values and participatory culture.

Two groups attended the workshop, divided in phases: what the EU Green Deal and climate change is, participants draw up proposals to stop climate change and a vote to decide what proposal was better. An elementary and a special needs school attended the workshop.