Interview with Jez Hall, Director of Shared Future CIC on participatory budgeting
From the Youth PB project we have had the opportunity to chat in a relaxed way with Jez Hall, director of Shared Future CIC, a British social organization expert in creating bridges between citizens and authorities. Jez is also one of the main figures of the Youth PB Accelerator project, organized by the European Union and aimed at disseminating knowledge about participatory budgeting.
During the interview, Jez gave us his point of view on the importance of participatory budgeting in democratic societies, and how they can be implemented from an early age in educational centers, as well as the impact of the Covid 19 health pandemic on the project.
The director of Shared Future CIC has been open to comment on the difficulties that the exit of his country, the United Kingdom, from the European Union presents when participating in the Youth PB Accelerator program that is reaping such good results in the communities where it has been implanted. However, he is optimistic about the possibilities that the dissemination of these ideas brings when it comes to involving society in civic life.
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